ngGirls - a free workshop for women
Be a part of ngGirlsngGirls
Are you a woman interested in learning how to build web applications with the latest technologies? We have good news for you: we are hosting a one-day workshop for beginners!
We believe that the IT industry will greatly benefit from bringing more women into technology. We want to give you an opportunity to learn how to program and become a developer.
During the workshop you will build and deploy your very first Angular Web Application! Angular is an open-source platform for building web application, developed by Google and the community. It provides various tools to easily create a dynamic, interactive app that can run on desktop browsers, mobile and even robots.
The workshop is free of charge. Just fill out the application form. Don't wait too long - you can apply for a pass only until the stated deadline.
For the workshop you'll need some basic knowledge in web development: HTML, CSS and basic JavaScript or any other programming language. If you're a total beginner, that's ok! We'll send you some resources to catch up, and give you special attention during the workshop.
Organized by
ngGirls aims to introduce women to the world of technology and increase the diversity. Angular is a great technology to start with. We believe this is a win-win situation!
Visit the website for more info about ngGirls, and follow on Twitter for updates.
Can I help?
Of course! There are several ways you can help:
- Mentors - you have a significant impact on the participants' experience. If you can volunteer your time, knowledge, and positive encouragement during the workshop and provide some support on the days before and after, we'd love to have you! You don't need to be an Angular expert - web developers are welcome. Here's the Call for Mentors.
- Sponsors - with your help we can make our events truly awesome! From funding tickets to Angular conferences, through supplying lunch, to providing swag - there's lots of opportunities to help. Send us an email.
- Anyone - There are many other ways to help us. We'd love to hear your ideas and/or assign you some chores. Huge thanks in advance! Don't be shy, just contact us.
For the workshop you'll need some basic knowledge in web development: HTML, CSS and basic JavaScript or any other programming language. If you're a total beginner, that's ok! We'll send you some resources to catch up, and give you special attention during the workshop.
Useful information
The workshop takes place in Verona, in the same venue as the conference. It's free of charge, and coffee breaks and lunch are included. To participate, you have to apply here.
Apply to participate
Be a part of ngGirlsVia Longhena 42, 37138 Verona (VR) Italy
The hotel offers discounts for participants, contact them for more details.
The workshop takes place in person, on Saturday 8th October 2022, from 9:30 to 17:30.